The celebration of First Eucharist and First Reconciliation mark an important milestone in a child’s spiritual journey and sacramental life. The celebration of these sacraments follows a year-long preparation program that is correlated with regular catechesis or religious education. Candidates must be registered parishioners, attend Mass regularly, be in their second year of catechesis, and be determined as “ready” by parents, catechists, and the pastor.
In October, candidates express their desire to join the program during a signing ceremony at Mass. Candidates and their parents meet monthly for special catechetical sessions which focus on the images of Jesus the Good Shepherd and Jesus the True Vine. These themes are integrated into a variety of reflections, prayers, and activities. Candidates are presented with a New Testament and parents are given reading schedules to connect their learning into the home.
There are two retreats scheduled to continue to prepare our candidates. First Reconciliation is celebrated in January at the culmination of their first retreat day. The 2nd retreat day is usually in April to conclude their formation process. First Eucharist is usually scheduled in early May. For more information, please contact Maggie Connor Spitale in the parish office.