Sacrament of Confirmation
The celebration of Confirmation is another important milestone in a young person’s spiritual and sacramental journey. Confirmation is scheduled every year. Candidates need to be in at least 8th grade. We join together with other parishes in our regional grouping to celebrate this final sacrament of initiaion.
Candidates request Confirmation by signing a covenant agreement and joining a preparation program that is closely correlated to their regular catechesis and youth programs. Candidates must be registered parishioners, have received the Sacraments of First Communion and Reconciliation, attend Mass regularly, and participate in regular, ongoing catechesis. Candidates choose an appropriate sponsor to walk this journey with them and witness the Christian faith. Candidates meet on a monthly basis to participate in a variety of preparation activities including: field trips, catechetical meetings, prayer experiences, retreats, service opportunities, and social events.
Confirmation is usually celebrated in the Spring with the Bishop.
For more information, contact Maggie Connor Spitale at 330-452-9539.