St. Francis of Assisi Parish was established July 1, 2023. We are the combined community of St. Anthony Parish (formerly St. Anthony/All Saints Parish) and
St. Benedict Parish (formerly St. Mary/St. Benedict Parish). Serving families in Canton, Ohio since 1908.
Saturday Vigil • 4:00pm • St. Anthony
Sunday • 8:00am • St. Benedict
Sunday • 11:00am • St. Anthony
Have a Mass said or candles lit in remembrance of your loved one today.
New Paragraph
Ash Wednesday Masses
New Paragraph
“To be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love, for it is in giving that we receive. . .”
~The Prayer of Saint Francis
We are happy you are here!
Thank you for your interest in our parish. Whether you’re just visiting us for a brief time, looking for a new parish home, are returning to the practice of your Catholic faith or are interested in finding out more about the Catholic Church, you are welcome at St. Francis of Assisi Parish.
Please join us in celebrating our Catholic faith in song-filled worship, community, and service. We are happy you are here and want to help you feel connected and introduce you to the various ways to get involved in our organizations, ministries, and events.